The new issue has been published!
Upon the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s birth, this double issue of KINO! devotes a special thematic section to his provocative and elusive film expression. 130 years after the birth of Herman Potočnik Noordung, the writers in the Film and Technology section gaze at the dark space screen. The Breakthroughs section includes discussions on Sara Kern’s film debut, Julie Ducournau’s Titane (2021) and Nika Autor’s newsreels. KINO! 46/47 brings the book reviews of Jurij Meden’s Scratches and Glitches – Observations on Preserving and Exhibiting Cinema in the Early 21st Century and Primož Krašovec’s The Alien Capital. The in-depth reflections on select television series, animated and genre films and festival hits are cushioned by a substantial amount of Pillow Shots by Wallace Stevens, Petra Meterc, Jože Vogrinc, Vlado Škafar, Ana Pepelnik and Muanis Sinanović. It is worth mentioning that, with the paper on the sublimeness of nature in Terrence Malick’s Days of Heaven (1978), KINO! is introducing a new and the first peer-reviewed section for scientific papers in the field of film and television in Slovenia.