Rezultati iskanja za "Domen Dimovski"

Domen Dimovski KINO! 52/53

Omarica z dokazi in upor v dobi nadzora

Domen Dimovski KINO! 46/47

The Sublimeness of Nature in Days of Heaven

Bolt, Barbara, 2007. “The Techno-Sublime: Towards a Post-aesthetic”. In: Bolt, B., Colman, F., Jones, G. and Woodward, A. (ed.), Sensorium: Aesthetics, Art, Life, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 43–51. Cavell, Stanley. 1979. The World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film. London: Harvard University Press. Coyne, Lewis. 2013: “Heidegger and the Problem of the Sublime”. Postgradua...

Domen Dimovski KINO! 46/47

Sublimnost narave v filmu Božanski dnevi

Bolt, Barbara, 2007: »The Techno-Sublime: Towards a Post-aesthetic«. V: Bolt, Barbara, Colman, Felicity, Jones, Graham in Woodward, Ashley, ur. Sensorium: aethetics, art, life. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, str. 43–51. Cavell, Stanley. 1979: The World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film. London: Harvard University Press. Coyne, Lewis. 2013: »Heidegger and the problem of sublime«....