Search Results for "Melita Zajc"

KINO! 43/44

KINO! 43/44 brings a mix of new studies on filmmakers that the readers might be familiar with from previous issues (e.g. Jelena Maksimović and Ivan Ramljak), film classics (e.g. Agnès Varda and Frederick Wiseman) and new discoveries (e.g. Elsa Kremser, Levin Peter and Mariusz Wilczyński). The thematic section on cinema and animal ethics focuses on interesting contemporary film representations o...

New release

The new issue has been published!

KINO! 43/44 brings a mix of new studies on filmmakers that the readers might be familiar with from previous issues (e.g. Jelena Maksimović and Ivan Ramljak), film classics (e.g. Agnès Varda and Frederick Wiseman) and new discoveries (e.g. Elsa Kremser, Levin Peter and Mariusz Wilczyński). The thematic section on cinema and animal ethics focuses on interesting contemporary film representations o...

Melita Zajc KINO! 52/53

Marko Kovačič’s Short Films and New Materialism

Melita Zajc KINO! 46/47

Life Outside Frameworks. Noordung a Hundred Years Later or Titane and Small Body, Two Film Visions for a Time When the Problem Is Not Space Travel But Survival on Earth

Melita Zajc KINO! 43/44

Contemporary Films and Video Games. The Role of Video Games in Cinema’s Adaption to the Development of New Distribution Networks and Viewing Contexts

Melita Zajc KINO! 40/41

Art as the Exploration of the Possible Uses of New Technologies in Miha Vipotnik’s Works

Melita Zajc KINO! 5/6

Filmosophy and Nigerian Video Film Culture