Maybe Again Sometime
Sustainable Preservation of Film Heritage
The history of film is the history of fragile film images. Analogue formats have proven to be self-destructive and special effort is needed for the film images recorded on them to be conserved. The arrival of digital solutions in the new century has promised much – with digitisation, we were supposed to get rid of two problems related to analogue materials: fast deterioration in non-optimal conditions and inaccessibility. A few decades of conserving film images in digital forms have shown that more and more challenges arise. The text rethinks film heritage preservation (focusing predominantly on digital forms), mainly in relation to the ideas of conservation and access. In establishing sustainable practices that allow future generations to have at least as many possibilities as we do, it recognizes a key principle with which at least some of the challenges could be resolved. In the context of sustainability, it mostly touches on the economic aspect and the aspect of knowledge.
The integral version of this article can be found in the printed KINO!