On the Actuality of the Non-existent
The review of Še ne povedane zgodbe: Režiserjeve beležke o izgnanstvu, družini in filmu, a monograph by the film director, screenwriter and lecturer Rajko Grlić, whose original was published in 2018, while the Slovenian translation by Ženja Leiler Kos was published in 2022 by the Slovenian Cinematheque, explores a few key phenomena that the author discusses in his film autobiography. It focuses on the questions of the role and significance of Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav cinema, which Grlić was a representative of, and examines aspects of the phenomenon of the Prague School, the conceptuality that the filmmakers considered to be part of the Prague School constantly unsuccessfully rejected. At the same time, it analyses the structure and meaning of the alphabetically ordered lexicon entries, which include the concepts of filmic expression interpreted through a distinctly auteur perspective of experiencing, interpreting and realising film creativity.
The integral version of this article can be found in the printed KINO!