
Michael Pattison, Neil Young KINO 31/32

Wild Blue Yonder: Futures in Film Criticism

Tina Poglajen, Harriet Warman KINO! 27

Violent Women

Dear Harriet, Remember January, when we were walking through the streets of Rotterdam from that theatre that until the end of the festival I've never quite managed to find my way to by myself since you always knew where it was and I just followed? There was a feminist film programme section at the festival called “What the F!?” and we were just coming out of a screening of I Stay with You (Me q...

Michael Pattison, Neil Young KINO! 27

California Eulogies: Jenni Olson’s The Royal Road and Travis Wilkerson’s Machine Gun or Typewriter?

NY: Late night in Sunderland. I am watching—and listening to—Jenni Olson’s The Royal Road, her first-person essay-memoir-travelogue set in California. But today I’ve mainly been thinking about another current California-set romance told in (quasi-)authorial voice-over, Travis Wilkerson’s Machine Gun Or Typewriter? Both films have the air of documentary. Wilkerson’s, however, in which a pirate-r...

Michael Pattison, Neil Young KINO! 23/24

Borders, Bureaucracies, Bonkers: An Exchange

Neil Young, Eric Kohn KINO! 19/20

Bela Lugosi’s Undead: White Zombie (1932). A dialogue by Neil Young (in Sunderland, UK) and Eric Kohn (in New York, USA)