
Bronja Vencelj Merc Ostrenje pogleda na Animateki! 2016

Zadnji klavirski koncert

Italijanski kratki animirani film Steinway (Massimo Ottoni, 2016) v prepletu stop animacije in risane tehnike upodablja vojno krutost, ki jo v trenutek premirja zaziba glasba. Nemški in italijanski vojaki med prvo svetovno vojno uživajo začasno premirje – sonce sije, kuhar si popeva o vinu, ustreljeni so zgolj fazani. Na obhodu nemška patrulja v gozdu najde klavir. Ker je eden izmed v...

Kristian Božak Kavčič Ostrenje pogleda na Animateki! 2016

Orchestrating animation techniques: an interview with Massimo Ottoni, the author of Steinway

Why the brand Steinway? The brand Steinway was already in the short story the film is based on. It’s a story by Andrea Molesini. I think the brand Steinway was chosen instead of any other because it was always famous, even in the period of World War I. How did you find the short story? Why did you decide to make a film out of it? Molesini is a famous Italian novelist who often situates his stor...